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Changing mindset and creating a new happier you

Understanding how your mind can work either for or against you is the first yet crucial step towards a better life. Changing your mindset is key to creating a new happier you, and how to do that is something we are going to dive into now.

What is mindset

Your mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. It influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation. In short, mindset can be described as the mental lens through which you see the world.⁠⠀

Mindset operates mostly in an unconscious manner. This means it is something we have been programmed with and something we believe to be true. Furthermore, mindset is something we have difficulty questioning. However, changing your mindset is in many ways a simple concept but way harder to apply in real life. It takes some time and practice to get started and going.

Changing mindset

As mentioned above, one of the best ways of changing how you live is becoming aware of how you think. This is because your thoughts create a feeling which then leads to your action or inaction, which in the end will create the result you have in life.

When you understand what this means you are most likely going to be very focused on what is going on in your head, as well as choosing your mindset deliberately.

How you think is always a choice, regardless of the circumstance. You are the one labeling each circumstance to whatever you choose. It is your mindset that sets the tone for how you look upon situations or people, and what decisions you make in the end.

Your mindset plays a critical role in how you cope with life’s challenges, whether you feel mistakes are failures or rather something to learn and grow from. Your mindset determines if you take on new challenges or hide from things that are unfamiliar to you. These are just a few aspects of why changing your mindset will change your life.

Your brain is like a muscle

The idea of the brain being an organ that can be trained and cultivated just as any other muscle, is backed up by neuroscience.
Working the mind is crucial when you want to achieve change. Before you change a habit or behavior you need to become aware of how you think. Carol Dweck states:

“Every time you push yourself to learn something new and difficult, the neurons in your brain can form new stronger connections. Over time you get smarter.”⁠⠀

You can train yourself to take on new challenges to improve. You can also change your view of how you see people and circumstances. It is up to you to choose how you want to think.

If you want to live a happier and better life, make sure you deliberately change your mindset to serve you!

To learn more about mindset and how to change your mindset you can go to:

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