Living a balanced life; why it is important
What would you answer if I asked you what it is you want in life? I would guess, as for most of us, feeling happy is somewhere on the top of your list. Isn´t it? This is why focusing on living a balanced life becomes important.
Have you ever tried to define happiness for yourself? What does it mean and how would you explain it, if you had to?
For me happiness is about living life with inner peace and harmony. It´s less about external artefacts, situations or occurrences and more about attitude, intrinsic life and emotions.
If happiness, meaning inner peace and harmony is what to strive for, then what should we do to increase our possibility to get there? In all its simplicity I would put emphasis on life balance. The outcome of living a balanced life is in short happiness. Among other things of course.
What else can a balanced life offer
To live a balanced life, you need to first and foremost understand who you are. If you try to implement someone else´s recipe for a balanced life you will most likely fail. Since we all are different, we should clearly put various amount of emphasis on different things.
Let me give you a simple example. I know I´m introverted (or ambivert) and when I build relationships (which is one key ingredient for life balance) I focus on having just a few important people in my life. Whereas an extroverted person might need to be surrounded by many more people. Where we go wrong, as we aren´t aware of who we are is we build a life according to other people´s needs or even cultural values.
So, what else does a balanced life offer, except for inner peace and harmony?
When you decide to focus on your personal life balance, I can almost guarantee you will gain a lot of energy. Which then can be used for other areas of your life.
Let´s say you would want to build yourself a successful life (whatever that is for you). To do so you will need to have the energy for it. When your life isn´t in balance you most likely just “hang in there” and try to cope with whatever is thrown at you.
- Want to read more about life balance abundance and working smarter, you can go here
As I´m thinking about true success I see a person living a balanced life, fulfilled, grateful and pleased with what is. But at the same time, I also see an inspired person looking forward and capable of seeing what they want to strive for, which requires energy.
Things to focus on for a balanced life
Let me share with you my list of areas I pay attention to when I focus on my life balance. They are in no particular order and each one of them will be further discussed as we will dive into them in detail, in upcoming articles.
Here you go:
- Downtime
- Motion
- Passion
- Relationships
- Sleep
- Nature
- Food
- Mind
I challenge you to build yourself a more balanced life! As a “workingmyminder”, that is a subscriber of emails, you are going to get supported on this path. And you are welcome to join.