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Stop resisting what happens in life; accept uncertainty

The feeling of getting frustrated or upset when things aren´t going your way has to do with a need for feeling control. This need for control is also linked to fear. When you stop resisting what happens in life and accept uncertainty you are going to experience what it feels like to live more peacefully.

Letting go and accepting uncertainty

It can many times be hard to accept what happens in life as we have already decided upon a specific outcome of a situation. We have a clear picture and expectations about how something should turn out. In such a situation, when the outcome isn´t to our liking, we feel resistance and have negative emotions about what happened.

Whenever you resist what is, you are aiming to control a circumstance, a situation or a person. Something that cannot be controlled.

If you on the other hand learn how to accept uncertainty, you are letting go of the need to control the circumstance or the person. And in the end, life itself.⁠

What is fear and why do we feel it?

Fear is a universal emotion experienced by everyone around the world. It makes you feel either unsafe or unsure. You will usually feel the emotion of fear as you think you are going to encounter some form of harm. This harm can be either physical, emotional, or psychological.

Feeling fear serves an important role in keeping you safe as it mobilizes you to cope with potential danger. Let´s say you notice a car driving towards you at a very fast pace. This will most likely have your fear hormones kick in and you will jump out of the way. You might fear the sea if you aren´t comfortable in that element as you can´t swim or don´t know how to handle a boat. This feeling of fear will keep you safe.

But fear can be imagined or irrational. You might, for instance, fear public speaking and by doing so you aren’t actually fearing something which is potentially going to harm you. What you are doing is, you are fearing a feeling of humiliation or maybe the feeling of being ridiculed.

The feeling of fear can in many situations be very illogical. Which at its core means you are fearing something you are making up in your own head.

Trusting life

The less you trust life or your own ability to handle it, no matter what the occurring situation might be, the more you are likely to fear an outside circumstance. You might fear someone close to you getting sick, maybe you fear getting laid off. You might fear not having enough money, not being good enough, not being loved… The list goes on.

⁠But as you accept uncertainty you can also stop resisting what happens in life. You are more likely to embrace whatever happens. As well as finding the nugget of wisdom or the possibility to grow in each of these situations.

Teaching yourself how to believe in life and find out how to trust it is going to set you free from the overwhelming fear you might feel. This is an ongoing process where you first need to become aware of what you think in a specific situation. By doing so, you understand your need for a certain outcome in a specific situation. Letting go of that need will set you free and you can enjoy the journey called life.

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